Petrie State School has a long tradition of prize giving and bestowing praise on those deemed worthy of remembrance.
Read More About Awards and Competitions
The most significant in the colonial days being the North Pine State School Honour Board which was made to remember the past students of the school who had risked their lives in the First World War.
The school had a plethora of awards, trophies, honour boards, ribbons and pennants. There are two trophy cabinets in the Administration reception that proudly display many sporting and cultural accolades, from modern times back to the 1960s.
The older trophy cabinet is in the foyer area on the staff carpark side of the Administration block. It contains much of the oldest sporting memorabilia and although we don’t know exactly how old it is, there is an air of bygone era around it:
“Grant Small refurbished old cupboard as a Trophy Cabinet.”
– Peter J Boge, 1999, Principal, 1 Jan 1983 – 31 Dec 1990.
Source: Commemorating 125 Years of Service: Petrie State School 1874-1999, pp46-49.
Perpetual Honour Boards are also displayed in the School Hall and are a historical account of the many children who have held positions of leadership or have shown talent in sport or cultural activities.
There have been a number of new ones required over such a vast history as illustrated in 1989:
“New Honour Board, with help from Petrie Lions.”
– Peter J Boge, 1999 – Principal, 1 Jan 1983 – 31 Dec 1990
Source: Commemorating 125 Years of Service: Petrie State School 1874-1999, pp46-49.
The North Pine State School Honour Board remembered those who served in World War I. By 1916 the school (and in fact many Australian institutions) felt there was a great need to personally honour the local men who enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force to fight in the deadly pursuit of freedom in lands far away.
Mr J Connor, the chairman of the School Committee at this time, proposed that members collect financial subscriptions from the community to finance an honour board. This was to contain the names of all the past pupils who had gone to the war.
The proposal was made at the end of February 1916 and by July it had been made and was presented to the committee members.
25 February 1916
NORTH PINE February 25
At the last meeting of the State School committee, Mr J Connor presiding, it was unanimously agreed that as quite a large number of past pupils of the local school had enlisted an honour board be erected in the school building. All the members of the committee were provided with subscriptions lists to provide funds for the purpose.
Source: 1916 ‘NORTH PINE HONOUR BOARD.’, The Brisbane Courier (Qld.: 1864 – 1933), 26 February, p. 5, viewed 5 January, 2014,
23 July 1916
At a meeting of the State School committee held on Thursday evening, Mr J Connors in the chair, a handsome honour board was on view, containing 41 names of past scholars of the school. The date for the unveiling ceremony was fixed for September 2. It was decided to invite the Minister and Under Secretary for Public Instruction and the member for the district to take part.
Source: 1916 ‘A SCHOOL HONOUR BOARD.’, The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933), 26 July, p. 7, viewed 5 January, 2014,
31 August 1916
An honour board of the North Pine State School will be unveiled in the School of Arts, North Pine, next Saturday, at 3 o’clock. On this board are inscribed the names 43 in all, of all old boys of the school who have enlisted. The ceremony will be performed by the Under Secretary (Mr J D Story), who will be accompanied by Mr J Forsyth, MLA.
Source: 1916 ‘HONOUR BOARDS UNVEILED.’, The Brisbane Courier (Qld.: 1864 – 1933), 31 August, p. 7, viewed 5 January, 2014,
This grand occasion and major patriotic event was to be marked with a concert at the North Pine School of Arts on Saturday 2nd of December. It was attended by state government dignitaries and included singing and solemn remembrance. The gathering was not an opportunity missed for fundraising either, as patriots raised more than three pounds in aid of the General Hospital:
5 September 1916
NORTH PINE, September 4
A roll of honour, bearing the names of 44 past pupils of the North Pine State School who enlisted was unveiled at the School of Arts on Saturday afternoon by Mr J D Story (Under Secretary, Department of Public Instruction). Not-withstanding the unfavourable weather a large gathering assembled, and great enthusiasm was shown. Mr J Connors (chairman of the committee) presided. Stirring patriotic speeches were delivered by Messrs J D Story, Jas Forsyth, M.L.A., R D Hunter, and Revs I Bennett and W S Laurie. The school children, under the direction of Mrs Hunter, rendered patriotic songs, and Miss Gladys Hunter, in costume, sang “The Red Cross Nurse”. A Mr Story unveiled the board the whole school stood at the salute and sang “God Save Our Splendid Men”. The board, which was much admired, is of polished silky oak. A collection in aid of the General Hospital amounted to 3 pounds/2/6. The names appearing on the board are: – J Feakin (killed), R D Hunter, W R Hunter, L Bright, A White, F White, W White, J White, A Gordon, I C Gordon, N Wyllie, L Tanner, O Tanner, A Tanner, J D Campbell, Captain D Campbell, A smiley, W Smiley, J Fraser, J Walker, A Slater, T Slater, H Gilbert, G Gilbert, S Gilbert, W Herman, F Herman, V Houghton, J Ramsbotham, E Guddopp, N G Hatton, L Warneminde, Corporal C Warneminde, H Warneminde, F Sheehan, R Hosier, W Johnston, S Buckby, H Collings, W Sargent, A Murphy, Driver L Oxenham, Captain H Oxenham (Royal Flying Corps), J Young.
Source: 1916 ‘HONOUR BOARDS.’, The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933), 5 September, p. 8, viewed 5 January, 2014,

Evidently, this honour board was originally kept in the School house for many years. Perhaps due to the many renovations and changes that were happening at Petrie State School 71 years later that Peter Boge (Principal 1983-1990) decided to pass the honour board in good faith to the Pine Rivers RSL in Kallangur. It was presented to the RSL by the school captains of that year.
This move was documented by Peter Boge in his memories of Petrie in 1999:
“School Captains Craig Hargraves and Hayley Perel presented the old North Pine State School Roll of Honour to Pine Rivers RSL, Kallangur on 11 November 1987.”
– Peter J Boge, 1999 – Principal, 1 Jan 1983 – 31 Dec 1990.
Source: Commemorating 125 Years of Service: Petrie State School 1874-1999, pp46-49.
This move is documented at Monument Australia:
North Pine State School Honour Board
North Pine State School Honour Board honours those who served in World War One.
Address: 1347 ANZAC Avenue, Pine Rivers RSL & Services Memorial Club, Kallangur, QLD, 4503
Actual Monument Dedication Date: Saturday 2nd September, 1916.
11 November 1987
In 2014, it was disappointing to discover that on investigation with the Returned Services League that the North Pine School Honour Board is at this stage unable to be located. The only remnant of what it looked like is a poorly taken photograph which was kindly supplied to us by the RSL Sub-Branch.
We hypothesise that at some time in the history of the RSL re-structuring from having suburban branches to much larger divisional branches that it’s possible that the Honour Board went missing when the Petrie Office amalgamated with Kallangur.
We do however live in hope that it could be recovered at some point. The RSL have expressed their sincere and unreserved apology over the loss.