About This Site





On the top right of each page, below the search bar and above the navigation menu, you will see the words ‘change the text size’ in various increasing sizes.  If you are having a tough time with our default text size make it smaller or bigger to suit yourself!



Another way to experience the content on this site is to listen.  This website is equipped with two different ways to translate the content into an audio transcript.  This function utilises text to talk software (and Google Talk) to translate the text.

It’s not perfect and at times will mispronounce key words, but if you are vision impaired or just wish to listen to the articles for ease you can do this in two ways:

  • Click on the “Listen to this post button” that appears at the top of each page and the voice will begin, be aware however that the voice will read everything on the screen in the main body text, including web addresses, but it is a nice voice to listen to and is set and forget.


  • You can select the text on the screen with your mouse or your keyboard as if you were going to copy and past a paragraph or piece of text.  The text will highlight in blue and a little black megaphone will appear.  Click the megaphone and listen to the text that you have selected.  This is helpful if you want to skip the sources and the web addresses and only listen to a portion of the text.



In most cases you will be able to click on any image to view either a larger version of the image or enter into a slideshow to view them in sequence.  This applies for single images, tiled photostrips and galleries and also the mosaic galleries.  If you cannot click on an image it is because that is the biggest and best quality image we have anyway, however in most cases we have tried to provide larger sized images.

If you need any of our image in a higher resolution please contact us and we can discuss copyright or let you know the best way to get it.

In most cases all of the images (unless otherwise stated or linked from another source) are subject to copyright.  Please do not use any of these images without checking it’s copyright status with us and gaining permission if so required.



On some pages we have provided the transcript of text in images or for some reason or another hidden some of the text from immediate view in order to not have a page that scrolls forever.  Simply click on the reveal text prompts (in bold) and the text will appear.  To hide the text from view click on the same link.



A small selection of customised Petrie State School history games are accessible from the floating menu on the left of the screen and also from the ‘Fun Stuff’ page.  Choose a game you wish to play and it will open in a new window.  Have fun!

We hope to expand on this selection in the future.



Timelines can be accessed from the floating menu tab on the left of the screen, sometimes these take a little time to load so be patient and you will experience another way to learn about our vast past.

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