Seeing children in costume is always a crowd-pleaser and a lot of fun. This was the social draw card for the North Pine State School in the 1930s and late into the 1940s.
The North Pine School of arts generally overflowed with willing patrons and special guests enjoying dancing, a grand march, prize-winning costumes and tasteful decorations.
The fancy dress dance would raise funds for the school.
21 September 1931 (Monday)
In aid of the funds of the Petrie State School a successful fancy dress dance ball was held in the North Pine School of Arts on Friday night. The Mayor and Mayoress of Redcliffe (Alderman and Mrs A H Langdon), who judged the fancy costumes, were accompanied by Mr A. Stapleton (head master Redcliffe State School) and Mrs Stapleton and Mrs T B Hopkins (Brisbane) and were welcomed by Mr George Armstrong (chairman of the Petrie State School committee. ) A bouquet was presented to the Mayoress by little Miss Jill Buckby. The arrangements for the dance were carried out by a ladies’ committee comprising Mesdames W J Baldwin, F Brewer, R Paterson, S R Young, A Skinner, A E Buckby, Misses E L Hawkins, M Quirk, A Skinner, M Baldwin, Madge Chappell (secretary). The grand march was supervised by Mr A Dixon. Prize-winning fancy costumes were as follows – Best fancy costume, girl, Nancy Vores (Powder and Patches); best fancy costume, boy, Eric Twible (Golliwog); best couple senior, Thelma and Joyce Skinner (Irish Gentleman and Colleen;) best pair, junior Bill and Peggy Buckby (Bridegroom and Bride); most original costume, Jim Senyard (Australia England Air Mail); paper costume, Sylvia Herman (Early Victorian). Special prizes: Best boy, John Senyard (Toy Soldier); best girl, Valerie Skinner (Fairy); couple J Quinn and Miss M Quinn (Dad and Mum).
Source: 1931 ‘FANCY DRESS BALL.’, The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933), 21 September, p. 17, viewed 14 December, 2013,
4 October 1932 (Tuesday)
Keen enjoyment was experienced by many young folk who attended the annual fancy dress ball of the North Pine State School, held in the Petrie School of Arts on Saturday night. The hall was tastefully decorated with streamers in pastel shades, while gum tips and red wattle sprays added to the effect. Costumes were judged by the Mayor of Redcliffe (Alderman A H. Langdon), who was assisted by Mrs Langdon. Included In the official party were Dr and Mrs W B Roberts (Redcliffe), and Mr Frank Atthow (Brisbane). Bouquets were presented to Mrs Langdon by little Jill Buckby and Valerie Skinner. Prizes were awarded to Edna Gilliland (militaire), B Taylor (black and white). Valerie Skinner, and Jill Buckby (Blue Courtiers), Cliff Ebert (Coon), Jack Cook (Chef), Sylvia Herman (Early Victorian), R Ebert (Minties), Audrey Nott (French student), B Foley (Indian Chief), Audrey Hornibrook (Dewdrop Fairy); best adult fancy costume, Mr H Warburton.
Source: 1932 ‘NORTH PINE SCHOOL BALL.’, The Brisbane Courier (Qld. : 1864 – 1933), 4 October, p. 19, viewed 14 December, 2013,

Source: Moreton Bay Regional Council Local History Library, Strathpine.
3 October 1933 (Tuesday)
The annual plain and fancy dress, ball of the North Pine State School was held in the School of Arts, Petrie, on Saturday. The grand march was supervised by Miss E L Hawkins, assisted by Misses M Quirk, Alice Skinner, and M Brewer, Mr G F R Nicklin, M.L.A., and Mrs Nicklin Judged the costumes, the prizes being presented by Mr A D Hansen. The arrangements for the entertainment were carried out by a committee comprising Mrs A D Hansen (president), Miss E L Hawkins (honorary secretary). Mesdames W J Baldwin, Q White, O H Taylor, A E Buckley, H Dixon, A Skinner, J Skinner, J B Young, R Patterson. R Allsopp, P Houghton, J Mullins, R King, N M Cooke, H Stewart and Cherrie. Mrs A E Buckley provided the music, and Mr J R Young supervised the proceedings.
The prizes were awarded as follow: Girls, over 10 years: Joyce Skinner (Early Victorian). Boys: P Mullins (Herald). Girls, under 10: P Buckby (Early Victorian). Boys: Maurice Herman (Golliwog). Poster girls: Sylvia Herman (Whisky). Boys: V Herman (My Favourite Drink). Open, girls: Elspeth Afflick [sic] (Queen Elizabeth). Best pair, girls: M and G White (Spanish Couple). Boys: Colin and B Stewart (Gin). Under school age, girls: Audrey Hornibrook (Little Bo-peep). Boys: B Buckby (Soldier). Most original: J Houghton (Body Line Bowling).
Source: 1933 ‘CHILDREN’S BALL.’, The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 – 1954), 3 October, p. 20, viewed 14 December, 2013,
16 October 1934 (Tuesday)
The North Pine School of Arts, Petrie was thronged on Saturday night, when the annual children’s fancy dress dance of the North Pine State School was held. Mrs A E Buckby played the music for the grand march, which was supervised by Miss E L Hawkins, assisted by Mesdames P Houghton, R Patterson, D Webster, I Skinner, and Miss Mary Quirk. Mr J R Young had charge of the dancing, and the fancy costumes were judged by Mr and Mrs W A Buchanan, and Miss Reid. The proceeds of the dance were in aid of the school funds. The following were awarded prizes: W Taylor, Colin Houghton, Jill Buckby, Daphne and Eunice Ferriday, Cliff Ebert, Peggy Buckby, Beryl Allsopp, Audrey Young, Keith Fink, Joyce Hans, Berenice Brewer, Maureen Heart, and J Brewer.
Source: 1934 ‘SCHOOL FANCY DRESS DANCE.’, The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 – 1954), 16 October, p. 19, viewed 14 December, 2013,
26 October 1935 (Saturday)
The North Pine State School annual plain and fancy dress ball was held in the School of Arts, Petrie. Many children wore fancy costumes. The ladies’ committee had charge of the supper.
Source: 1935 ‘PETRIE.’, The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 – 1954), 26 October, p. 21, viewed 14 December, 2013,
24 October 1939 (Tuesday)
Prize-winners at the Petrie State School children’s annual fancy dress ball were: — Boys: M Herman. D Duncombe, A King, D Neilson, J Herman, J Ferguson, K Houghton, K Fink, R Cook, D Webster, J Randall, D Skinner, C Campbell, K Beaky, G Houghton. Girls: P Buckby, E Tuffiect, G King, G Moyle, H Gordon, M Brewer, B Allsopp, A Duncombe. Mr and Mrs C Buchanan (Caboolture), were Judges. Euchre prizes were won by Messrs M Klatt, E Goddard, J Cooke, Mesdames L Ebert, W Scott, and W Lang. Scriven’s orchestra (Sandgate) played the music, and the takings amounted to 20 pounds.
Source: 1939 ‘NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY.’, The Courier-Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1933 – 1954), 24 October, p. 17, viewed 14 December, 2013,